of Chain Waxing

Did you know that dur­ing one minute work of a bicy­cle chain, approx­i­mate­ly two hun­dred thou­sand com­po­nents require lubrication?

This num­ber high­lights the impor­tance of the type of lubri­cant, the appli­ca­tion method, and the fre­quen­cy of appli­ca­tion for the per­for­mance and longevi­ty of our dri­ve­train. The way top ath­letes from var­i­ous dis­ci­plines take care of their equip­ment — either per­son­al­ly or in col­lab­o­ra­tion with mechan­ics — often deter­mines their ulti­mate suc­cess or fail­ure. In ama­teur sports, where we are our own spon­sors, the time devot­ed to prop­er equip­ment prepa­ra­tion trans­lates into the enjoy­ment of its use and the amount of mon­ey we spend on its main­te­nance. What if you could extend the lifes­pan of your dri­ve­train by up to five times? Sounds incred­i­ble? Find out more about the Art of Chain Wax­ing and decide for your­self if it’s worth learn­ing. 

Who is waxing for?

Any­one can delve into the secrets of the art of chain wax­ing. There are no lim­i­ta­tions or contraindications.

Do you enjoy tak­ing care of your bike, where prop­er equip­ment prepa­ra­tion is just as impor­tant as rid­ing? Do you love expe­ri­enc­ing the per­fect per­for­mance of your machine? Learn the Art of Chain Waxing — unless you are already a mas­ter of it. A prop­er­ly exe­cut­ed process will bring you plea­sure and a sense of pride! You will nev­er go back to pre­vi­ous methods.


Nano Wax pro­vides 100% dri­ve­train pro­tec­tion. Do not use oth­er lubri­cants such as chain oils.

Nano Wax — Sol­id Rac­ing Wax

Designed for those who love the Art of Chain Wax­ing. Takes more effort to apply but the results are out­stand­ing. Min­i­mized drag saves tens of watts with each ped­al stroke. That is why it has become the ulti­mate racer’s choice. By com­bin­ing tra­di­tion­al, purest paraf­fin with mod­ern, enhanc­ing nano-com­po­nents, it lasts longer and with­stands greater loads than pure paraf­fin. Each por­tion of the wax is pre­pared by hand, adher­ing to the high­est qual­i­ty standards.

Use — every­day, rac­ing
Types of bicy­cles — all
Weath­er con­di­tions — all (the best results in dry, mid tem­per­a­tures)
Ter­rain — all (the best for on road use)

Waxing Process

The wax­ing process con­sists of three stages. Fol­low them cor­rect­ly, and you will always achieve the desired result — a per­fect­ly pre­pared chain. There are no short­cuts here. Adhere to the fol­low­ing instruc­tions, and in no time, you will become a wax­ing master.


How to pre­pare a new chain
for the first wax­ing


How to cor­rect­ly per­form the wax­ing process.


How to repre­pare the chain for wax­ing again.

Nano Wax — Liq­uid Wax

Designed for every­day use, any bike, any weath­er. Sim­ple appli­ca­tion plus the best ingre­di­ents make it our top sell­ing prod­uct. The for­mu­la of liq­uid wax is based on a mix­ture of sol­id paraf­fins, con­sist­ing of sat­u­rat­ed hydro­car­bon chains rang­ing from 16 to 48 car­bon atoms per mol­e­cule. We have com­bined the excel­lent lubri­cat­ing prop­er­ties of paraf­fin with nat­ur­al, fine-grained ceram­ic par­ti­cles mea­sur­ing just a few microm­e­ters in order to opti­mize the fric­tion of the steel com­po­nents of the bicy­cle chain. The addi­tion of PTFE, in the appro­pri­ate amount, has been metic­u­lous­ly select­ed to extend the lubri­cat­ing prop­er­ties of the prod­uct over time. It min­i­mizes fric­tion, result­ing in min­i­mal ener­gy loss and max­i­miz­ing ped­al­ing effi­cien­cy. It does not attract dirt, ensur­ing that our dri­ve­train oper­ates per­fect­ly, and its lifes­pan can be extend­ed up to five times com­pared to reg­u­lar lubricants.

Use — every­day
Types of bicy­cles — all
Weath­er con­di­tions — all
Ter­rain — all

Waxing Process

The wax­ing process con­sists of three stages. Fol­low them cor­rect­ly, and you will always achieve the desired result – a per­fect­ly pre­pared chain. Adhere to the fol­low­ing instruc­tions, and in no time, you will become a wax­ing master.

Chain Preparation

How to pre­pare a new chain
for the first wax­ing

Chain Waxing

How to apply Nano Wax liq­uid wax for the first
and sub­se­quent wax­ing

Nano Wax — Cable Lubricant

Designed to enhance shift­ing per­for­mance and cable protection.

NanoWax cable lubri­cant, like all our prod­ucts, is based on a paraf­fin mix­ture. The struc­ture of the prod­uct has been mod­i­fied to ensure opti­mal pen­e­tra­tion not only on the sur­face of the cable but also between the wire strands, pro­tect­ing the entire cable from water ingress, dust, and oth­er fac­tors that can cause rust­ing or wear. Unlike oil-based lubri­cants that tend to flow with­in the pro­tec­tive cas­ing, caus­ing a decrease in pro­tec­tive prop­er­ties along cer­tain sec­tions of the cable, NanoWax over­comes this issue, pro­vid­ing full-length pro­tec­tion for the cable, regard­less of weath­er con­di­tions, and extend­ing its lifespan.

Use — every­day
Types of bicy­cles — all, espe­cial­ly bicy­cles with shifting/braking cables par­tial­ly exposed
Weath­er con­di­tions — all
Ter­rain — all