The wax char­ac­ter­is­tics make it an ide­al lubri­cant for bicy­cle chains:

  • min­i­mizes fric­tion, result­ing in min­i­mal ener­gy loss and max­i­miz­ing ped­al­ing efficiency.

  • does­n’t attract dirt, ensur­ing opti­mal dri­ve­train per­for­mance and poten­tial­ly extend­ing its lifes­pan up to five times com­pared to tra­di­tion­al lubricants.

  • effec­tive­ly pro­tects the chain against corrosion.

  • it is effec­tive in all con­di­tions, replac­ing the need for mul­ti­ple lubricants,

  • saves time, as the wax­ing process is short­er and more enjoy­able than clean­ing the entire dri­ve­train from old lubri­cant and dirt.

  • Due to its appli­ca­tion method, it lubri­cates all hard-to-reach areas of the chain that require lubrication.

In 2013 and 2014, VELO News con­duct­ed inde­pen­dent tests in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Fric­tion Facts, eval­u­at­ing 55 chain lubri­cants. The tests revealed that plain paraf­fin wax was the most effec­tive, hav­ing been suc­cess­ful­ly used for many years before the mar­ket was flood­ed with numer­ous mag­i­cal prod­ucts. The advan­tages of tra­di­tion­al chain wax­ing are wide­ly known among expe­ri­enced cyclists and top pro­fes­sion­al ath­letes. The Art of Chain Waxing is based on sol­id foundations.


Why choose our wax?

  • The NanoWax for­mu­la has been care­ful­ly select­ed and test­ed to meet the increased demands of elec­tric bikes with a mid-dri­ve motor, where all the stress­es are trans­mit­ted through the dri­ve­train. If it per­forms well in e‑bikes, it will work for any oth­er type of bicycle.

  • By com­bin­ing tra­di­tion­al, high-qual­i­ty paraf­fin with mod­ern, enhanc­ing nano-com­po­nents, NanoWax lasts longer.

  • Each por­tion of NanoWax is metic­u­lous­ly pre­pared by hand, adher­ing to the high­est qual­i­ty stan­dards. Main­tain­ing the cor­rect pro­por­tions is cru­cial for the per­for­mance of the final product.

  • By using NanoWax and fol­low­ing the prin­ci­ples of the Art of Chain Wax­ing, you can sig­nif­i­cant­ly extend the lifes­pan of your dri­ve­train, sav­ing both mon­ey and time.

  • The Art of Chain Wax­ing can be a high­ly sat­is­fy­ing activ­i­ty for many enthusiasts.